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Category: News and Events

December 28, 2015
How reliable are your virtual machine backups?

Every day you run your nightly backups and receive a successful message, but have you ever wondered if you can really restore from the backups? You could test your backups on extra equipment you have around the office but this requires a lot of work to setup, and you have to be very careful not to bring up a […]

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November 11, 2015
Best Practices for Avoiding Malware through Email and Internet Usage

There are several layers of security to help protect against viruses and malware. Firewalls and Antivirus programs help, but even with these security measures in place, computers are still vulnerable. It comes down to you to help keep workstations safe. “If in doubt, do NOT click!” Email: If an email is from an unknown source, […]

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June 23, 2015
Prevent an IT Disaster with the Cloud

We all grew up hearing the adage that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link -- and if that link breaks, the whole thing falls apart. In the world of your company’s IT, this is called a single point of failure. Basically, if any “link” in your IT system is vulnerable, then […]

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June 23, 2015
4 Budget-Friendly Benefits of Using the Cloud

Everyone’s talking about the Cloud: your employees, your colleagues, your competitors. But in an IT landscape that strives to be forward-looking, yet is often tethered to the past (in many cases, in the shape of giant, outdated hardware), it can be hard to make the argument for change. You probably have a few ideas about […]

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