DMC 30 Years in Business Logo
(419) 535-2900


Is your business reliant on IBM i and the Power Systems platform? At DMC Technology Group, we understand the foundation of AS/400 systems and have a unique proposition for our IBM clients.

Business continuity demands proactive security measures and comprehensive IT resources. We offer more than just IBM Power i solutions because modern businesses require a holistic approach to IT.

Person with a clipboard and pen pointing to an icon of a person with the text "Beyond IBM i, Your IT Managed services team"

Consider common scenarios: Losing your sole IT lead leaves your business vulnerable, or a dedicated IT team struggles with daily tasks, neglecting critical projects. We bridge these gaps with tailored solutions.

We provide IBM i services alongside Windows environments, ensuring seamless integration and comprehensive support. Our team of experts delivers project-based and scalable managed services, enhancing security and efficiency.

Managed services offer full IT support, ideal for IBM i-powered companies seeking comprehensive solutions beyond in-house capabilities. Co-managed services support businesses with existing IT staff, augmenting expertise and ensuring continuity.

Mid-sized businesses benefit from our co-managed services and project-based support, addressing vulnerabilities and allowing internal teams to focus on core functions.

Our services extend beyond IBM i, covering hardware installation, network management, cybersecurity, and more. We offer flexible solutions tailored to your needs, ensuring business continuity and growth.

Partner with DMC Technology Group to secure your business continuity and drive innovation. Contact us to learn how we can empower your IBM i-powered business in Ohio, Michigan and beyond.

Headshot of Pat Sheehan

Patrick Sheehan, Owner, DMC Technology Group

7657 king's point rd.

toledo, ohio 43617

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